Monday, November 29, 2010

True Grit Mini-Reactions

Joel Coen and Ethan Coen's True Grit is getting seen by more and more people these days, including an SAG screening on Saturday night, but with embargoes and the like in place until this Wednesday, December 1st, we'll have to go by short-burst reactions from Twitter.
Steve Pond's 11.28 article covers the various knee-jerk reactions from around the blog-o-sphere and the consensus is that it's (unsurprisingly) pretty damn good. I know for a fact that Hollywood Elsewhere's Jeff Wells is seeing it tonight in a New York City media screening, so I would expect that anybody worth their salt on either coast will have an opinion on the matter by the end of the week - should be exciting. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm nearly finished with the book, which is quite good. Looking forward to hearing more early reactions when the embargo lifts.
